Book Review Alert: A Thin Witchline Between Love and Hate by T.L Brown

Reviewed: July 23rd, 2023
Released: March 29th, 2022
Genre: Dark Fantasy

Witch politics, maddening men, a desperate demon, and monsters from above blow apart Lucie Bellerose’s world. Can she still save her thinning witchline?

The confident witch next door? She’s a hot mess. The reliable, level-headed friend you know you can count on? She’s broken and hiding big lies. The powerful woman who finds herself at the center of an old prophecy? She’s overwhelmed.

Witches hide things.

Lucie Bellerose holds secrets in her heart, fear in her belly, and her Tarot cards close to her chest. She’s a witch among too many men, with too many problems, and one thinning witchline.

A tyrannical former teacher who likes to inflict pain? Check. A loyal friend she keeps dragging through hell? Check. A mysterious man who excites her and infuriates her – often in the same 60 seconds? Check. Then there are the expectations of the Congress of Empire Witches, danger lurking behind doors to other worlds, and one psychotic demon who needs to possess her.

And this is only the beginning of Lucie’s problems.

Join Lucie Bellerose as she navigates infuriating men, witch politics, controlling her growing power, a fiery temper, a crazed demon… and ‘monsters and beasties’ when doors to other worlds begin to open. Read my Thoughts …

One thought on “Book Review Alert: A Thin Witchline Between Love and Hate by T.L Brown

  1. Hey there! 🌟 Just stumbled upon this book review for “A Thin Witchline Between Love and Hate.” 📚 The dark fantasy genre mixed with witch politics and demons sounds intriguing! 😮 Have you read any dark fantasy books lately? What do you think about witches dealing with overwhelming challenges? 🧙‍♀️💬


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