Author Interview – Barbara Lally

Author of Vicissitudes

I’m very happy to be meeting poet, Barbara Lally, to chat about her poetry collection called Vicissitudes.

Helen: Welcome Barbara, and thank you so much for taking time to chat with me today. Tell us a little about your book.

Barbara: My current book is a poetry collection called Vicissitudes. The word itself means the quality or state of being changeable/the natural change or mutation visible in nature or in human affairs. Vicissitudes is an intense and personal collection of poetry about love; the ups and downs, the beautiful and ugly.

Vicissitudes has 97 poems and ten one-of-a-kind pieces of art by artist, Jessica Carballo.

Helen: How wonderful. It sounds like a very personal collection. What can you tell us about your thoughts behind your cover?

Barbara: The cover of Vicissitudes features an outline of me that was inspired by a photograph taken of me by Mina and Enza Photography. In the photo I have my arms around myself in a hugging gesture. This perfectly represents the feeling the poems give you in Vicissitudes – being vulnerable, feeling comfortable in your own skin, loving yourself as you grow. Jessica Carballo designed the cover.

Helen: The cover is very elegant. Why did you use Vicissitudes as the title of the collection?

Barbara: Vicissitudes is a word that completely encapsulated how I felt when I was a young adult. So many ups and downs and changes that I couldn’t possibly prepare for. It was beautiful and ugly and a complete mess but worth every moment! While you read Vicissitudes you can feel that rollercoaster.

Helen: What inspired you write this collection of poetry?

Barbara: I wrote Vicissitudes because it healed my heart. Love and heartbreak are things that everyone experiences yet is unique to everyone. I believed my story would resonate with others while also being a completely new experience for those who read it. I loved being able to put all of my different feelings and experiences into poetry form.

I wrote The Trichster Diaries because it healed my soul. I have had trichotillomania, the hair-pulling disorder, since I was 10 years old. I never knew anyone else who had it and so for many years I hid in shame. One day I felt the courage to openly share my story and write this book in hopes to make others feel less alone and to spread awareness.

I wrote My Trichster Diaries: A Guided Journal because I wanted to heal others. It is a wonderfully interactive journal for those who have trichotillomania and want to let some of the shame they feel go. It focuses on self-love and self-acceptance.

Helen: I have said many times that I believe writing is carthartic and writing your collections sound like that has been the case for you, too. What is the best thing that has happened to you since you began writing?

Barbara: The best thing that ever happened to me since I began writing is becoming part of a community. My first book, The Trichster Diaries, is about my life with trichotillomania, the hair-pulling disorder. I have connected with many others who too have trichotillomania. I have been able to share my story without shame. It has changed my entire life.

I have a podcast called Trich Talks! where I interview others with trichotillomania. I also have a life coaching business where I work with people with trichotillomania in a course called “Sharing Our Stories.”

Helen: I’m so glad you found your community and that you are able to share your experiences to help others. It is so important to know that you are not alone. From a writing perspective, every writer experiences self-doubt. How do you overcome the fear and the little voice in your head to keep writing?

Barbara: I had to remind myself that this story needed telling. Not only was writing The Trichster Diaries incredibly healing for me, it was healing for others. People could see themselves in the photographs in the book, they could relate to the moments of insecurity and shame. It lets them see that you can learn to love the thing you once hated about yourself.

Helen: Congratulations once again on publishing your collection this year. Just to finish, what advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Barbara: My best advice for new writers is to just get it all out there! Don’t worry about being perfect on the first go. Get all of your thoughts and ideas out on the page and then worry about the rest of it. Writing can be healing and wonderful. Let it all out!

About the Author

Barbara Lally

I was teaching for nearly a decade before I changed careers and began life coaching. 

In 2020, I published my memoir, The Trichster Diaries, detailing my life with trichotillomania. Since that moment, my goal was to spread awareness of a disorder that is rarely spoken about but affects many.

In 2021, I started a podcast, published a guided journal, began a trichotillomania online course, and left my teaching job. My podcast, Trich Talks, is an interview style podcast where guests share about their life with trichotillomania. In my guided journal, My Trichster Diaries, the reader is able to reflect on and write about their own trichotillomania and journey to self-acceptance. But that’s not all. I weave in handwritten notes, trichster tips, poetry, and much more. My trichotillomania online course, Sharing Our Stories, SOS is a 25-week interactive course that does a deep dive into your journey with trichotillomania. Each week we discuss different prompts from the guided journal, My Trichster Diaries, complete meaningful activities, have empowering conversations, and build a strong sense of community between the members of the course.

Since 2023, I’ve been working as a certified Life Coach who specializes in helping people learn to understand, love, and accept their trichotillomania. I coach my clients in a way that utilizes both their heads and their hearts. If you have any questions about my methods, or would like to schedule a consultation, please get in touch today.

Follow Barbara:



Instagram:  @thetrichsterdiaries

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