Author Interview – Amber Gabriel

Author of I & the Scaredy Cat

Today, I am thrilled to be spending time with Fantasy and Children’s book author Amber Gabriel. She is joining me to talk to us about her children’s book, I & The Scaredy Cat whihc relesed May 11th, 2024.

Helen: Welcome Amber. Congratulations on your new release. I love the title of your book, I & the Scaredy Cat. Tell us all about your book.

Amber: I & the Scaredy Cat is my second children’s book. Before I began this series, I had published five books in my low-heat medieval romance/ kingdom adventure series The Edge of the Sword. When my 4th grade students kept pestering me to write a book for them, I decided to write a first-person story that would appeal to all my students regardless of race or gender. In each installment, the MC uses a magical device to help solve a problem. In this case, a stray cat ends up in the garage needing food and shelter. Magical earbuds enable the MC to hear the cat’s thoughts. This leads to the MC having to make a difficult decision in a crisis that could affect the outcome of an important school tournament.

Helen: How wonderful that your students’ were eager for you to write for them. I hope they all enjoy it. What were your thoughts behind the cover?

Amber: Since this book is for my students, I asked a former student to design the cover. The MC’s parents are deployed, and boxes of the family’s belongings are stored in Aunt Mysti’s garage. The cover shows a cat’s eyes peering through a cardboard box with the title and author written in sharpie. The cover of I & the Magic Pen, the first book in the series, shows ink drawings on a sheet of notebook paper.

Helen: What a great idea and a clever cover. Why did you give your book that title? Is there a special meaning or back story about the title?

Amber: First off, the incorrect grammar is intentional. The protagonist is anonymous and never referred to by name or gender. By structuring the title this way, it draws attention to the fact that the main character is unnamed. It also lends itself easily to serialization. Although there is a magical item in this book like there was in the previous one, I & the Scaredy Cat aligns better with the themes than I & the Magic Earbuds

Helen: I have also been asked about the spelling of my book titles. I deliberately changed the spelling of Sentinel to Sentinal. I wanted the idea of a guardian, but not the reference to technology, so we writer’s adapt! Why did you decide to write this particular story?

Amber: Actually, it was inspired by a real life incident. We live out in the country, and a feral cat took up residence in our garage for about a month. During that time, I fed it and provided a litter box and water dish. I saw it three times, barely. It was orange and tailless. When the weather warmed up, it disappeared. The themes from the book arise from years of interactions with students and children of military families. Parents are a child’s primary role model, and children can be very heroic as they attempt to live up to their parents’ examples.

Helen: When did you realise you had a passion for writing?

Amber: I’ve been writing stories in my head for as long as I can remember. As a child, I told myself stories to fall asleep once I had to turn the lights out and stop reading. My family would make storytelling into a game on long car rides. However, I didn’t start writing these stories down until a few years ago. I’d been having trouble with insomnia and started typing out my ideas during bouts of sleeplessness. I eventually discovered I had narcolepsy, but in the meantime, I finished a complete novel and decided I loved writing.

Helen: Who inspired you to write? Was there someone specific in your life who set you on the writing path?

Amber: I was homeschooled for most of my elementary years, and my mom modeled the writing process for me. She wrote stories for me and my siblings and bound them together for us to read. Then she would make my stories into a “book.” I still have one I must have written when I was six or seven. My dad self-published a book, and I helped him bind them on a mechanical binder. My grandmother wrote books and drove her motorhome all over the United States selling them. I come from a family of avid readers and writers, so I suppose it was inevitable.

Helen: Congratulations on picking up that pen and writing your own stories and on the release of your latest book. It’s been wonderful chatting with you. Just to finish, could you share with us what the best thing that has happened to you since you began writing?

Amber: The absolutely best thing that has happened since I started writing is that my students have become inspired to write. Getting students to read and write can be difficult, but when I read to them from my children’s book and explained my process, they couldn’t wait to write their own stories. In the beginning, their work emulated mine, but by the end of the year, they had found their own voices. One of my nine-year-old students wrote a ten thousand word book called If a Zombie Apocalypse Happened at School. I “published” it for her and gave all my students a copy. Then everyone’s stories started to sound like hers. It was so great.

About the Author

Amber Gabriel

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to read. One of the first books I remember reading was a Wonder Book version of Cinderella. It was in the reading station in my kindergarten class, and I loved the illustrations. I would pick that book out every time, so my teacher finally removed it from the shelf to force me to expand my horizons. Now I have my own copy.

Another book that influenced me very early on was Richard Scarry’s Busy, Busy World. It told a story of two creative painters who painted a mural of a large sun inside someone’s house. I thought the idea was genius, so I drew a large sunshine on my wall with crayon. It was scrubbed off, but I continued to have a desire to express myself artistically.

In middle school, I enjoyed writing, and my English teacher told me I would write a book someday. I loved to read, sometimes reading late into the night. When I was not reading, I was making up stories in my head for my own amusement, but I never wrote them down. I was more interested in drawing and painting than writing. I have since painted numerous works of art, including some very large outdoor murals. You can see some of them if you do an internet search of Paint by Amber.

Over the years, I have had a lot of trouble with insomnia. I had heard that if you write down your ideas, it will help you to be able to go to sleep. That didn’t help, but I did end up writing some complete novels. Recently, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, and understanding my sleep patterns, along with scheduling at least one nap during the day, has greatly improved my quality of life. The line between dreaming and wakefulness for me is sometimes blurred, and some of my ideas come straight from my dreams. Others are worked out while I’m lying in bed unable to sleep. It was fun to type them out, and I am planning to continue writing. My goal as an author is to write the type of books that I would like to read. My favorite genre is fantasy fiction, and I read and write books that tackle difficult issues but resolve themselves into a happy ending. I hope you enjoy my stories and characters as much as I do. If you search my name and the word ‘author,’ you should be able to find my social media site. I look forward to hearing from you!

Follow Amber:

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Purchase Amber’s book: I & the Scaredy Cat via Amazon

Link to book on Amazon UK: eBook | Paperback

Link to book on Amazon US: eBook | Paperback

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If you would like to find out about my books then sign up to my newsletter. If you enjoy epic fantasy then the award winning Sentinal series is now complete. If you like fantasy books with a touch of romance then you will love SoulBreather. Prefer Dystopian Science Fantasy? Then try Harmony. Start the adventure and stay for the journey.

Sign up to my newsletter and download a free novella called Sentinals Stirring and get notified when my next books are published.

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By signing up to my newsletter, you agree to receive commercial information from Helen Garraway, located at 61 Bridge St, Kingston, Hertfordshire, UK (Data Administrator). You can withdraw your consent at any time. The data will be processed until the consent is withdrawn.

Author Interview – Christina Consolino

Author of The Weight We Carry

Today, I am thrilled to be spending time with contemporary fiction author Christina Consolino. She is joining me to talk to us about her book, The Weight We Carry.

Helen: Welcome Christina. Tell us all about your book.

Lyndi: The Weight We Carry is a work of contemporary fiction that focuses on family dynamics, sibling relationships, and aging parents. Set in summer 2015, it tells the story of the Raffaelo family as they navigate multiple health crises. Marissa, the only daughter, feels overwhelmed about the unwanted responsibility of maintaining her Dad’s health while juggling work and her own family. When she takes time to listen to and observe both her parents, she recognizes that not everything is as it seems with respect to their health: her Dad’s weak legs are a problem, but her mother’s memory loss might be even more pressing to address.

The book centers on the timeframe before a dementia diagnosis and gives an inside look at what adult children who are part of the sandwich generation grapple with in terms of balancing responsibilities for their parents with responsibilities for their own families. It also serves to paint a portrait of what one family’s caregiving journey looks like.

Helen: An important topic which impacts everyone in the family. What were your thoughts behind the cover?

Christina: I worked with trusted cover designer Kim Wilson of Kiwi Cover Design Co. for the cover. Red is important to the story, as is the butterfly, and I wanted some sort of fade effect because the book deals with dementia and the fading of memories. Other than those criteria, I went ahead and trusted Kim to do a fabulous job, and her cover really captures the essence of the book. It has weight without feeling too heavy.

Helen: Why did you give your book that title? Is there a special meaning or back story about the title?

Christina: From the moment of the book’s inception, I referred to it as The Chocolate Garden. That title referenced the candy that one of the characters makes (she’s a confectioner by trade). However, the book deals with multiple health crises, including dementia, as well as parent and sibling dynamics. It’s a story of love, loss, and grief. That title did not serve the story well.

At some point before I queried my publisher I looked toward one of my favorite poets, Mary Oliver. Her poetry always speaks to me, and I knew that one of her poems about grief might inspire me. Well, I did. One of her poems–“Heavy”–deals with grief and how one carries it. The Weight We Carry encompasses the themes of the book and the feelings of the characters very well.

Helen: It is facinating understanding the reasoning and thought that goes behind a cover and title. Dementia and the dealing with the fallout can be quite difficult and it is also a ‘weighty’ topic. Why did you decide to write this particular story?

Christina: The Weight We Carry is based on my experiences with my family during the summer of 2015, when my parents faced multiple major health crises. Though the crises mainly involved my father, a series of events eventually led to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s for my mother. As a fiction writer, I like to entertain, but as a teacher, education is always at the back of my mind. With this book, much like my others, I wanted to do both. So much is written about what comes after a diagnosis, the trials and tribulations families need to face, the hurdles they must jump. I wanted to show how challenging, and quite frankly, disheartening, the prediagnosis stage can be. I also wanted to let readers know that denial can be an enormous part of the dementia journey, and to take heart—if we got through it, they could too.

Despite how difficult it was, at times, to imagine sharing that story, I’m glad I did. Readers have mentioned how much they relate to the characters or how heartbreaking the story is. That they’ve been through something similar or can see the same things happening in their families. It means a lot to me that my work can help someone else.

Helen: That must have been quite difficult to write at times, but also I believe writing is a form of release. Are you working on anything else?

Chrisina: I often work on multiple projects simultaneously. My third novel of contemporary fiction is titled The Marriage Debt. I usually take on some mental or physical health issue, and this time, it’s menopause. The main character, Nika Stewart, is finding menopause more than she bargained for, especially in terms of her lack of libido, and she’s on a quest to find some balance there while reestablishing a connection to her husband. I also write romance under a pen name (Keely Stephens), and I’m revising the third book in my first series.

Helen: Goodness, that must keep you busy! How do you fit all that writing into your everyday life?

Christina: With four kids, an aging dad I visit every day, and a day job that doesn’t involve writing novels, I have to schedule time to write. I’m an early bird, so getting up at 5:00 has become standard practice for me. I usually get in a good 30-minute session right away in the morning, and then I try to get in at least another before I move onto teaching. I also set aside Tuesday mornings for writing, and I meet with a friend—sometimes in person, sometimes remotely—and we push each other to get as much accomplished as we can in our allotted time. Having said that, I find that sometimes, I only have 15 minutes to spend on writing at a time, and that’s okay. Over the course of a day, 15-minute chunks can and do add up. The main thing to remember is that if you want to write, you will make the time to do so.

Helen: You are an inspiration to all writers, and just shows if you are determined, you will find a way. What is the most useful tool you’ve found when writing?

Christina: Other people! I have two writing groups, each of which serve different purposes. The Plot Sisters swap pages and give feedback, which is integral to the writing process. My books would not come together without their feedback. The constructive critique they give shapes the narrative and helps me see things I miss. The Cute City Bitches (there’s a story behind the name there, but that’s for another day) meet to write, sometimes in short bursts of an hour or two and sometimes for entire weekends. The positive energy there allows my books to grow from a kernel of an idea to a full-fledged novel.

Both groups serve as means of support too. If I need a brainstorming session, help with a plot point, or advice on the best color for a cover, these ladies step up. Finding people who can help you navigate the muddy waters of publishing is crucial!

Helen: I think having others as a sounding board helps to crystallize thoughts. Just as a fresh set of editing eyes find errors our eyes just flow over. When writing do you ever experience self-doubt, or think your writing isn’t good enough? and if so, how do you overcome it?

Christina: For me, this is where the readers make a huge difference. It doesn’t matter how long it took to see my book come to fruition, how many revision passes I had to do, or how many agents skipped over the opportunity to help find the story a home. When a reader says that my work resonates with them and they’ve recommended it to their friends and family, my heart sings, which helps push away the self-doubt. At the end of the day, I want my story to connect with readers, and if it does that, then I know I need to keep writing.

Helen: When writing, do you listen to music?

Christina: When I first started out, I did not listen to music. I thought it would distract me from the words that needed to flow. As I’ve evolved as a writer, so has my practice, and now, I listen to an instrumental (piano only) version of Taylor Swift’s Red when I write. Swift is an incredible writer, and that album is my favorite of hers. Since there are no lyrics, I don’t focus on her words, only mine, and I find that the rhythm of the music helps me enter whatever world I’m writing about that day.

Helen: Have you come across any good writing advice you’d like to share with aspiring writers?

Christina: Not all advice will resonate with everyone, but I’ll give you my two cents. Read widely. Take notes. Heed the advice of the people who came before. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Understand that first drafts will always seem shitty—the magic will come in revision. Make time for writing. Don’t just talk about writing; do it. Find yourself a good support system. Take advantage of resources. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Have fun.

Helen: Such great advice, thank you for sharing. It’s been so such fun chatting with you and learning about your writing journey. Was there anything else you’d like to add?

Christina: My mother always wanted to be a writer. She never shared that dream with anyone, and I didn’t find out until I was cleaning out her house after we moved her into a memory care facility. She didn’t have the support, confidence, or courage to fulfill her dream, and I often reflect on all the unrealized potential that was lost, first with her dementia diagnosis and then with her passing. I don’t mention this to be maudlin or gain sympathy. I want people to understand that personal dreams are important, and working toward those dreams is something to strive for. It may take months, years, or even decades to get where you want to be, but hard work, determination, and perseverance often pay off. Define your dream and go for it!

About the Author

Christina Consolino

A graduate of the University of Michigan (Go Blue!) with a BA in French and PhD in physiology, Christina taught college-level anatomy and physiology for close to twenty years before concentrating her passion on writing and editing. She’s the author of Rewrite the Stars and The Weight We Carry, and she’s co-author of Historic Photos of University of Michigan. She lives in Kettering,Ohio, with her husband, four children, and a rotating cast of pets.

Follow Christina:

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Purchase Christina’s book: The Weight We Carry via Amazon

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If you would like to find out about my books then sign up to my newsletter. If you enjoy epic fantasy then the award winning Sentinal series is now complete. If you like fantasy books with a touch of romance then you will love SoulBreather. Prefer Dystopian Science Fantasy? Then try Harmony. Start the adventure and stay for the journey.

Sign up to my newsletter and download a free novella called Sentinals Stirring and get notified when my next books are published.

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Book Review Alert: Oops I Ate a Vengeance Demon by Laura Hignett

Reviewed: May 11th, 2024
Released: October 14th, 2022
Genre: Paranormal Fantasy

Getting possessed by a demon wasn’t on my to-do list. I was just too busy for that sort of thing.

I had a fifty-hour work week, a hellraiser of a toddler, debilitating morning sickness and a husband who thought his only job was taking out the trash. I was at breaking point.

I don’t remember being possessed, or attacking Terry, or my local priest pulling the demon out of me and trapping her in a banana (with the help of a stranger, a badass girl who apparently wrangled supernatural creatures for a living.)

But the aftermath was wild. Terry promised he’d try harder, and give me more support.

He lied. And I broke.

So… I ate the banana. I absorbed the vengeance demon.

She’s a part of me now, sharing my body; we’re like two people in a car. Most of the time, I’m driving. Sometimes, I let her take the wheel. Read My Thoughts…

Book Review Alert: The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

Reviewed: May 4th, 2024
Released: December 15th, 2014
Genre: Historical/Steampunk Fantasy

One spy. One dangerous book. One deadly mission. The first in a delightful fantasy mystery series, The Invisible Library is the astounding debut from Genevieve Cogman.

Irene must be at the top of her game or she’ll be off the case – permanently . . .

Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. Along with her new assistant Kai, she’s posted to an alternative London. Their mission – to retrieve a dangerous book. But lo and behold, when they arrive, it’s already been stolen. London’s underground factions seem prepared to fight to the very death to find her book.

In this world teeming with supernatural creatures and unpredictable magic, Irene soon finds herself up to her eyebrows in a heady mix of danger, clues and secret societies. And Kai is also hiding secrets of his own. Yet failure is not an option – the nature of reality itself is at stake. Read My Thoughts…

OblivionGate – International Giveaway!

Giveaway running April 27th – June 30th, 2024

One winner of the grand prize.

  • Signed Papaerback of OblivionGate
  • SoulBreather tote bag
  • Dragon ornament
  • Postcards, stickers, bookmarks
  • Sachet hot choclate
  • Bath salts

Ideal for a cosy night in, reading.

OblivionGate will release on July 1st, 2024 and is currently on preorder.

Having survived Apologia and faced down the Angelic Assembly, Demavrian has every right to be feeling triumphant, but the threat hanging over his head from the vengeful god, Kaenera, is enough to snuff out any celebrations.

His fledglings are distraught and in disarray, Solanji’s brother is still without a soul and Solanji has no idea how her SoulBreathing works. He has no idea how to manage the Oblivion Gate and even with his Gate Wraith’s help, the burden of the soulless banging on the door may be his undoing.

Kaenera is poised to strike back and if Demavrian doesn’t learn the secrets of the Oblivion Gate fast enough, he may be the shortest lived Gate Keeper in history.

OblivionGate is the third enthralling book in the Fantasy Romance SoulMist series full of vibrant characters, political intrigue and betrayal.

If you enjoy fantasy books then you will love my epic fantasy Sentinal series or the Romantic Fantasy SoulMist series or Harmony, a standalone Dystopian Science Fantasy. As a new threat against Remargaren is discovered, only one man can wake the ancient guards who can protect them, only he doesn’t know how. Start the adventure and stay for the journey. Sign up to my newsletter and download a free novella called Sentinals Stirring and get notified when my next books are published.

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By signing up to my newsletter, you agree to receive commercial information from Helen Garraway, located at 61 Bridge St, Kingston, Hertfordshire, UK (Data Administrator
). You can withdraw your consent at any time. The data will be processed until the consent is withdrawn.

Author Interview – Lyndi Allison

Author of The Winter Hexagon trilogy

Today, I am thrilled to be spending time with YA Science fantasy author Lyndi Allison. She is joining me to talk to us about her latest book, the third book in The Winter Hexagon trilogy, Our Journeys Among the Stars.

Helen: Welcome Lyndi. Congratulations on completing the Winter Hexagon trilogy. Tell us all about Our Journeys Among the Stars.

Lyndi: Our Journeys Among the Stars completes The Winter Hexagon Trilogy, the second part of a double trilogy that makes a six book series. Teleporting one more time to a planet light years away, astronomy geek, Jas, and artsy, Gloria, find themselves with growing feelings for one another as they continue to search for the seeds to save his mom’s life. On their journey, the they encounter a mystic healer, a crazed inventor, and an angry Poseidon, all with their own plans for Jas and Gloria. With the help of street kids, the teens and their robot sidekick enter a labyrinth where they battle monsters and a bull-headed Minotaur. Can they defeat their enemies, find the last seeds, and make it home in time to save Jas’ mom?

Helen: It sounds like an action packed tale and plenty for Jas and Gloria to contend with. What were your thoughts behind the cover?

Lyndi: Since young adult readers like a picture of the main characters, this cover features both of my protagonists. I also wanted to share the Acropolis where a good part of the story occurs. I used transportation as characters in this trilogy and in Our Journey Among the Stars, Jas and Gloria consider taking a hot air balloon from Athens to Crete where they hope to enter the labyrinth and fight the Minotaur. Due to the unstableness of a crazed inventor and his hot air balloon contraption he wants the teens to test, they have second thoughts and end up in trouble with the inventor.

Helen: Why did you give your book that title? Is there a special meaning or back story about the title?

Lyndi: Jas and Gloria start out as rivals with competing points of view but over the course of six books, they teleport to six different planets and become friends with a possible love interest. In the first trilogy, The Summer Triangle Trilogy, they rescue alien children from formidable foes. In the second trilogy, The Winter Hexagon Trilogy, they search for the seeds to heal Jas’ mom’s cancer. The stars, the constellations they give shape to, and the Greek mythological stories they tell all play into the story. In book one, Gloria asks if artists stay behind to draw the lines between the stars and by the last book they have travelled into their galaxy to new planets where they see many new stars with new stories.

Helen: What made you write this particular series of books for YA audiences?

Lyndi: While stargazing and storytelling around a campfire, something made the children and teens share the grief they carried. I was struck by how challenging it is to help youth who grieve and how sharing stories gave them a chance to see themselves and express their losses. I was inspired to write The Summer Triangle Trilogy and The Winter Hexagon Trilogy in which Jas grieves the loss of a baby sister and Gloria her father as a starting point for discussion about processing grief. I also wanted to share the challenges adults face as they try to help their kids grieve while grieving themselves.

Helen: What a great inspiration for your books. Congratulations on completing this double trilogy. Having completed your YA Science Fantasy series, would you consider writing in a diffferent genre?

Lyndi: While my six-book series (two trilogies), The Summer Triangle Trilogy and The Winter Hexagon Trilogy are young adult science fantasy, I felt compelled to write an adult psychological thriller on a sensitive subject matter. Although this is a new genre for me , I have a middle-grade point of view character so there is a little bit of a carry over.

Helen: Oh, tell us more about your WIP. It must be difficult to leave behind characters and a series you have been writing for period of time and start something new?

Lyndi: My current work is a big switch for me. Instead of writing young adult fantasy, I am writing an adult psychological thriller on the sensitive subject matter of trafficking young girls. Part of my writing process involves listening to workshops to improve my writing craft in this genre and reading psychological thrillers. My story is told mostly from three women’s alternating points of view, one of whom is middle-grade. The story is a little heavy to carry at times and when I need a break I walk or hike in nature.

Helen: My goodness that is a heavy topic, and one you need to be careful to get right. Very different from your previous books. Do you find you have to plan your books, or do you prefer to write where the charcaters take you?

Lyndi: I consider myself a plantser (part panster, part planner) in that I both write from the seat of my pants and also fill in the action points in a three-act structure chart so my story follows a cohesive structure. I didn’t pause to fill in this chart while writing my first book and I went off on too many tangents. My book became unwieldy and challenging to edit. How much I freefall write and how much I plan depends on the book. I see it as a scale that I slide back and forth along as needed for each book.

Helen: Do you ever experience writer’s block, and if so, how do you overcome it?

Lyndi: Typically, I don’t experience writer’s block. Since I host two online writing sessions a week and one in-person in which I also write, I am constantly surprised by what appears on the page. The prompts in these workshops and the creative energy of writing together keep me writing. Sometimes I write something new or other times I write a scene from my work in progress. Not that I don’t rest or take a break, but when I am ready to begin again, these workshops are my vehicles for doing so. My other passion is walking and hiking in nature.

Helen: What is your favourite book and why do you like it so much?

Lyndi: I am a huge fan of Contact by Carl Sagan. I appreciate how he gives time to both science and spirituality and how he opens up the possibility and likelihood that there may be ideas bigger than ourselves that we don’t yet understand.

Helen: Thank you so much for joining me today. It’s been lovely learning about your books. Just to finish, could you share with us the best part of your writing journey?

Lyndi: In addition to writing my books, I offer writing workshops and retreats in natural spaces in Panama. My writing passion, combined with the writing passion of others, creates a rich community of writers who inspire, encourage and educate one another on all things writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. We celebrate book launches together as well as critique and beta read each other’s reads.

About the Author

Lyndi Allison

As a tween, Lyndi walked miles to borrow books from the bookmobile and found quiet places to read them. Now she writes stories for young readers and helps other writers with their writing projects.

A retired high school teacher, mother of three adult children, and community youth volunteer, Lyndi moved with her husband to Panama where she hosts writing workshops, tours and retreats in nature and at Tranquilo Retreat. Many of her ideas come to her as she walks the beach and hikes in the mountains.

While stargazing around a campfire, many children and teens shared the grief they carried. Lyndi was struck by how challenging it is to help youth who grieve and was inspired to write the Summer Triangle Trilogy.

Follow Lyndi:

Author Website.





Purchase Lyndi’s book: Our Journeys Among the Stars via Amazon

Link to book on Amazon UK: eBook | Paperback

Link to book on Amazon US: eBook | Paperback

As an Amazon Associate I may benefit from purchases made using these links.

If you would like to find out about my books then sign up to my newsletter. If you enjoy epic fantasy then the award winning Sentinal series is now complete. If you like fantasy books with a touch of romance then you will love SoulBreather. Prefer Dystopian Science Fantasy? Then try Harmony. Start the adventure and stay for the journey.

Sign up to my newsletter and download a free novella called Sentinals Stirring and get notified when my next books are published.

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By signing up to my newsletter, you agree to receive commercial information from Helen Garraway, located at 61 Bridge St, Kingston, Hertfordshire, UK (Data Administrator). You can withdraw your consent at any time. The data will be processed until the consent is withdrawn.

Sentinals Across Time now available on Audiobook!

Book Four of the Sentinal series has now joined the first three books of the Sentinal Series and been immortalised by Matts Coles’ amazing narration. You can find it on Audible, Spotify, Amazon, iTunes or Apple Books. Other platforms coming soon.

All 14 hours and 51 minutes of it. Check out the audio sample and start the adventure now.

Book Four: Sentinals Across Time

Now you can meet Jerrol and the Sentinals whilst you drive, exercise or work. Pick up your copy from Audible, Spotify, Amazon, iTunes or Apple Books. Other platforms available soon.

Readers’ Favorite Five Star review
‘Author Helen Garraway has crafted a captivating fantasy experience, immersing me in a richly detailed world filled with intricate characters and a finely woven tapestry of magic and lore. Garraway’s storytelling is tender and emotive in all the right places, allowing the reader to empathize with Jerrol’s predicament and root for the preservation of the Birtolian Empire. I was impressed by the different angles of culture, lore, politics, and social structures, which allowed Jerrol to tackle themes like duty, sacrifice, and the consequences of wielding magic, creating a compelling and immersive read.’

Amazon 5* by KST

‘I’ve never read a time travel novel that flows so seamlessly and is so engrossing! … coming to love Jerrol, Taelia and all the Sentinals but I was completely mesmerized within the first few chapters! So far all 3 books are going on my “awesome re-read “ list.’

Sentinals Across Time is the fourth book in the saga of Remargaren, a vibrant, ancient world of high fantasy suffused with magic and adventure.

Jerrol’s fragile balance between duty and family life took two years to refine and one brief moment to tear apart as the Lady Leyandrii and the Oath conspire in a desperate bid to protect the Birtolian Empire. As a result, Jerrol finds himself stranded in the middle of an ocean, lost across land and time and seas.

Unsure what is expected of him, Jerrol learns to appreciate the idyllic life of the Birtolians, the vibrant people and the beautiful coastline. To his growing horror, he realises the devastation which lies in their future.

Can Jerrol prevent the destruction of the gentle people he has grown to love? Is he meant to? Desperate to find a way home, he begins to leave clues in anything he thinks will survive the test of time. Taelia and the Sentinals are his only chance of ever returning to his own life but can they find him before the Lady sunders the Bloodstone and changes the Birtolian Empire forever?

The fourth installment of the Sentinal Series takes us to the beautiful Island Empire of Birtoli. Only once, it wasn’t an archipelago of islands, it was a land of majestic mountain ridges, mystical forests and exquisite sandy bays joined as one to the southern Vespiri borders.

Not started the Sentinal series yet?

Book1: Sentinals Awaken
Book 2: Sentinals Rising
Book3: Sentinals Justice
Book 4: Sentinals Across Time
Book 5: Sentinals Banished
Book 6: Sentinals Destiny

Associated books:
Book 3.5: Sentinals Recovery

Happy Listening!

If you enjoy fantasy books then you will love my epic fantasy Sentinal series or my PNR/Fantasy Romance SoulMist series or Harmony, a standalone Dystopian fantasy. Sign up to my newsletter and download a free novella called Sentinals Stirring and a bonus story, Sentinals Discovery, and never miss a notification when my next book is published.

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Author Interview – Sonja F. Blanco

Author of Witch of Ware Woods trilogy

Today, I am thrilled to be spending time with paranormal fantasy author Sonja F. Blanco. She is joining me to talk to us about her latest book, the third in the Witch of Ware Woods series, Spells and Shadows, which released on the April 16th, 2024.

Helen: Welcome Sonja. Congratulations on the release of your latest book. Tell us all about Spells and Shadows.

Sonja: My latest book is Spells & Shadows, book 3 in the Witch of Ware Woods trilogy. It just released on April 16th, 2024, and I am SO excited for readers to fall in love with this final installment! It’s an action-packed, magical ride with huge revelations and all the feels.

To give context to this latest book and the trilogy as a whole, here’s a brief overview:

The WoWW trilogy is an upper YA, contemporary paranormal story with coming-of-age and hero’s journey elements. There is a B-story romance that is palpable, on page, and nongraphic.

The Main Character is Sara, and the narration is third person CLOSE, single POV.

Witch of Ware Woods (book 1) is about Sara finding herself and who she really is. It is about CHOICE.

Death & Dragons (book 2) is about Sara coming into her role. It is about TRUST in yourself and others.

Spells & Shadows (book 3) is about Sara embracing what she is capable of. It is about BELIEVING in yourself.

Ahhhh! Can you tell how excited I am?! Bwahaha!

Here’s the blurb for Spells & Shadows:

A forbidden spell.
An evil forged by shadows.
And a defiance that will bring the magical world to its knees.

Sara is reeling from a twisted betrayal and her unexpected part in increasing the Shadow Mother’s strength. Now she is forced to trust the secretive Global Council to vanquish the wicked entity. Except Sara isn’t one to place her fate in the hands of others.

When her intentions go horribly awry and dissent fractures the Global Council, Sara scrambles to convince the individual sacred sites of witches, shifters, and vampires to set aside centuries of deep-rooted distrust and join Ware Woods against the growing darkness. But not everyone believes in Sara.

Needing to stop the Shadow Mother before she claims Thomas, Sara risks everything on a bloody spell for knowledge—and discovers a fiery revelation.

As Ware Woods shatters around her and the safety of everyone she loves hangs in the balance, Sara must do the inconceivable. Become the sacrifice.

Helen: Ohhh, High stakes from the off! I can see why you are excited. What were your thoughts behind the cover?

Sonja: Each book in the Witch of Ware Woods trilogy features a different tree on its cover – a tree whose presence is woven into the story. For Spells & Shadows, it is the cherry tree.
Like falling sand in an hourglass, the tumbling blossoms symbolize the running-out-of-time tension as Sara races to defeat the Shadow Mother and save Thomas (her bonded mate) and the magical world. No pressure!
Although cherry blossoms are usually pink or white, I’m not a pinky kinda person and neither is Sara. Hence, the tree on Spells & Shadows is purple – a pinky compromise AND a symbol of nobility, power, peace, and magic.
The wispy “shadows” in the background signify the villains and are the same blues as on the book 1 cover, signifying the story coming full circle. The white speckles, consistent on all the covers, are glimmerings of magic.
On the paperback and hardcover versions, there is a “special” blue dragon. *non-spoilery, wink wink*

Helen: It is really interesting to find out about the details behind the cover design. I love the range of trees you’ve used and the reason behind them, and we’ll be looking out for that dragon! Who is your protagonist and why did you write them?

Sonja: The Witch of Ware Woods trilogy’s protagonist is Sara, an eighteen-year-old witch who is a hot mess of self-doubt, recklessness, kickassery, humor, and fierce independence. Her inner dialogue is relatable, and her growth is inspiring. She is a reflection of all of Ware Woods (and I do mean ALL) and her voice was the loudest in telling this story. It has always been Sara’s story to tell.

Helen: She sounds amazing. Which genre do you write in?

Sonja: I write fantasy because I love the wonder, the escape, the “what if” imagined worlds were real, and the freedom that comes with writing whatever fantastical story comes to my mind. And because I believe magic is real. It is hope, it is laughter, it is enjoying a delightful book, and so much more. I love being able to provide this escape to readers.

Helen: From what you’ve said, this Witch of Ware Woods is a trilogy, so if this series is complete, tell us about what are you working on next?

Sonja: Sure! My current WIP is a rivals-to-lovers story set in a multi-layered world with a rich mix of gritty and lush elements. Inspirations for this work include Dante’s Inferno, the Day of the Dead, and the Tree of Life.

Helen: That sounds a very interesting mixture. Can’t wait to see what you write! When writing do you listen to music? Create playlist for your books?

Sonja: Listening to music is a big part of my writing. I like to mentally write while taking long walks and listening to my playlist. This way, my monkey brain is occupied on not tripping while my creative brain takes the story in a number of directions before deciding on which is best for the story. My playlist is mostly a mix of rock, metal, and some alternative. For particular scenes or moods, I may listen to a specific song (usually on repeat) to immerse myself in the vibe.

Once I have a scene mentally written, I prefer to type it up in silence or with non-verbal white noise in the background. For the WoWW trilogy, I listened to a lot of ambient forest sounds.

Helen: I tend to write with clasisc music in the background, though sometimes silence works too. When you look back over your writing career, what is the best thing to happen you?

Sonja: The best thing that happened to me since I began writing was finding this incredible bookish community. Just – wow. I am truly grateful for all the amazing readers and writers I have connected with – online, in social media, and in real life. To gush over the same books and characters and scenes, to share recommendations and resources, and to genuinely connect through a love of story is priceless.

Helen: Thank you so much for joining me today. It’s been lovely learning about your books. Was there anything else you’d like to share before we finish?

Sonja: While the WoWW trilogy is fantasy, there are many real-world influences on the story. For example, the setting of Ware, Massachusetts does exist. I spent a portion of my childhood traipsing the woods near this town. More on this and other real-life influences on the trilogy are addressed in an Author’s Note at the end of Spells & Shadows.

About the Author

Sonja F. Blanco

Sonja F. Blanco grew up in New England where she ran barefoot through the woods, chased lightning bugs, and tapped maple trees for syrup.

Having an ancestor who was hung as a witch, Sonja is naturally drawn to all things magical and fantastical—trees and cemeteries in particular.

At 5’2” she is often caught climbing tables, chairs, and small children to reach the upper shelves. She likes coffee and tea equally, both of which most certainly contributed to her diminutive stature.

Witty comics easily amuse her, as do heavily jowled Hell Hounds that talk in their sleep.

She writes fantasy as if it were real, because believing makes it so.

Follow Sonja:

Author Website.


Purchase Sonja’s book: Spells and Shadows via Amazon

Link to book on Amazon UK: eBook | Paperback

Link to book on Amazon US: eBook | Paperback

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If you would like to find out about my books then sign up to my newsletter. If you enjoy epic fantasy then the award winning Sentinal series is now complete. If you like fantasy books with a touch of romance then you will love SoulBreather. Prefer Dystopian Science Fiction? Then try Harmony. Start the adventure and stay for the journey.

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Book Review Alert: Revelations by Nikole Knight

Reviewed: April 14th, 2024
Released: February 7th 2020
Genre: PNR Fantasy

Riley thought he knew what to expect from college, but he never planned for angels, demons, or a team of attractive, overprotective Guardians.

When one fateful night opens his eyes to a world he never knew existed, Riley Shepard must navigate a host of supernatural dangers, all while struggling with new and confusing feelings for his guardian angels. With the promise of friends, family, and freedom finally within his grasp, he fears not only for his heart but for his life as well.

Lucky for him, some things are worth dying for. Read My Thoughts…

Author Interview – C.T Moshage

Author of November’s Dawn

I am excited to be chatting with debut YA fantasy author C.T Moshage about his new book, November’s Dawn which releases today April 9th, 2024. Congratulations, Chris, on releasing your debut novel. Such a great achievement.

Helen: Welcome Chris. I am so excited to talk to you about your debut book. Tell us all about it!

Chris: November’s Dawn is a YA speculative fiction novel that centres around a young engineer, Josie Owens, as she tries to find her place in a chaotic and desperate world where humanity has been forced to abandon the surface and live aboard a massive underwater ark.

The setting as well as the plot allowed for several themes to become entangled throughout the novel. The duality and burden of leadership is something I have always been fascinated by and in the novel, one of the characters spends a lot of time exploring what leadership means to him and the weight he carries knowing that the fate of humanity rests on his shoulders. Later in the novel, Josie must wrestle and come to terms with some of the same concepts while also trying desperately to stay true to herself and her values.

That reality and the conflicts that created it start to blur the line between right and wrong, provoking a deeper look into what it means to lead.

Synopsis: Years after the mysterious death of her father, sixteen-year-old Josie Owens wants nothing more than to carry on his legacy as an engineer aboard November’s Dawn. This colossal walking ark has travelled the bottom of the oceans carrying the last remnants of humanity after an all-consuming flood. But Josie’s dreams drown when she discovers the secret her father died for: the ark was never meant to stay submerged.

This knowledge makes Josie, and those she loves, an instant target to those who would sacrifice anything to keep the status quo from changing and to those who want nothing more than to upend the firm hierarchy. At the same time, a glitch in the navigation system sends November’s Dawn directly toward a miles deep trench.

Faced with a multitude of challenges, Josie wonders if pursuing her father’s last wishes is worth the cost. Corruption and injustice permeate the last vestiges of humanity, but what if the great unknown of the world above is worse than their fragile existence below? If she follows her father’s vision, the ark could be destroyed on the surface. If she follows the rebels, revolution could tear the ark apart from within.

One way or another, Josie is the only one with the knowledge to make the final decision. If she makes the wrong one, not only will the ark fail, but the last spark of humanity will fade into darkness.

Helen: Sounds like a really intriguing premise, and I love that you have a young woman as your protagonist, struggling with the complexities of leadership. How did you translate this struggle for the book into the cover?

Chris: The cover of November’s Dawn conveys a couple messages. The dark theme and tone immediately place the viewer in the setting of the novel, aboard an ark that walks along the bottom of the ocean. There is no light at the bottom of the ocean, no air to breathe, no room for even the smallest mistake. It is an existence that clings to the edge of a cliff in the best of times and that reflects the dire situation that humanity is in when the novel begins. The crack in the viewing port adds suspense and a sense of urgency to Josie’s mission. The problems and issues that have plagued the ark for decades can’t be ignored any longer. The only choice left is to face them head on or risk the end of humanity.

Helen: I’m so glad you drew our attention to the crack in the glass! It does suggest an immediate threat and increases the tension! What is the meaning behind the book title?

Chris: The title, November’s Dawn, which is the name of the ark humanity resides on, comes from certain plot points from within the universe of the story itself. A global catastrophe struck earth and made the surface uninhabitable. The eleventh hour came in the month of November and the ark was constructed as a new dawn and salvation for the human race.

Helen: With November’s Dawn being your debut novel, what made you write this particular book?

Chris: I have always been intrigued by the constructs and engineering feats capable when the best and brightest minds come together to create something incredible. November’s Dawn was born out of that fascination and the lengths people would go to save themselves in the face of certain destruction. Also, as mentioned above, the plot and setting allowed me to explore themes of duty, family, loyalty, and finding one’s place in the world in a really interesting and satisfying way.

Helen: Who was your favourite character to write in November’s Dawn?

Chris: My favourite character from November’s Dawn would have to be Adrian Frost. He is the leader of the current government aboard the ark and without giving up too much, comes to odds with Josie Owens in a few different ways. Adrian is a troubled character. He feels a great weight and burden to his people but struggles with finding the right balance between what we might call a good leader, and one who resorts to authoritarian means, even if in his mind it is all for a noble purpose.

Helen: When did you realise you had a passion for writing?

Chris: For a long time, I was caught up in the idea of writing a book or becoming a writer, but I never put any work towards it or always convinced myself that being an author was something I could see in others, but I would never or didn’t have the right “stuff”. I always had other projects and creative outlets going on so coupled with my own self-doubt, I just never seriously tried to write. That was until the pandemic struck which freed more time for me to explore hobbies and interests. It was in that moment I decided I was going to put my mind to it and complete a story. And I did – a 100,000-word YA fantasy novel that will likely never see the light of day unless some major revisions take place. But that was my first foray into the writing world, and I value it for the lessons it taught me about story creation, plot, action, and all the other little bits that go into making a story worthwhile.

Helen: Let’s change topics slightly and chat about your writing process. Which element of the writing process do you find the most challenging?

Chris: I find I have some trouble writing under deadlines. Inspiration has to strike me. I have to be ready and open to it. And if I’m at a point in time where life and other factors aren’t allowing that to happen, it becomes very difficult for me to overcome that. It’s a process, and one I’m still working on.

Helen: Sometimes we put ourselves under unnecessary pressure and that does tend to stifle creativity. With this being your debut book, did you plan every part of the novel, or did you make it up as you went? Are you a Pantser or a plotter?

Chris: My process centres very much around having a core concept and plot and like the spokes of a wheel, everything else radiates out from that. In that way, I’m a pantser. I’ve often found I don’t know the direction the plot will go or what a particular character will do until I’m in the moment with them and they dictate the outcome.

Helen: If you didn’t write YA Fantasy is there another genre you would be tempted to write in?

Chris: I grew up reading young adult novels and feel the most comfortable and at home within the genre. However, I’ve often toyed with the idea of writing a detective thriller novel, even if I have no experience in the genre. Here’s the premise: A returning war veteran-turned private eye navigates the tumultuous and ever-changing post-war streets of 1950’s Los Angeles and uncovers a tangled web of secrets and the macabre within the chilling halls of the Cecil Hotel.

Helen: Oh, you have an idea already! We’ll be looking out for it, but if you are not writing a detective novel, what is your current WIP?

Chris: My current work in progress is actually the second novel in the November’s Dawn Chronicles. This is the first time I’ve worked on a story that was the continuation of another, so it has been a learning experience so far, but still fun. The characters in November’s Dawn have so much more life to give, all that’s left is for me to convince them to share it with the world.

Helen: Most authors are massive readers. What are some of the books you recently read and would recommned?

Chris: I did not read this book recently but within the last few years, but Project Hail Mary is a novel I’d recommend to any fan of the science fiction genre. Andy Weir creates a perspective of space travel and finding life in the universe unlike anything I had experienced before. In my opinion, the novel creates a paradigm shift in how humans perceive extraterrestrial life while keeping a sense of thoughtfulness that keeps the reader grounded. It’s that sort of thinking that I believe all writers should aspire to.

Helen: Thank you so much for joining me today, Chris. Just to close us out, do you have any advice for all those aspiring authors out there?

Chris: When I first started writing, I sought out all the resources I could. A lot of that came in the form of podcasts and author interviews. Something I heard time and time again in those interviews was how that specific author had written a couple books or so before the one that got them a publishing deal. Those authors would often talk about how bad their first book ended up being even if they couldn’t see it at the time. Those comments always bugged me. As a new writer with just the bones of a single story, I felt attacked by the idea that an author’s first or second manuscript would not be the greatest. I thought, “maybe for them, but not my story. My manuscript is awesome.” There was no doubt in my mind at the time that my first manuscript would get an agent and get published. It never did. It took me a long time to realize but I think the reason why I felt so personally victimized by those statements was because some part of me was scared that I was wasting my time. Or that if the world didn’t like my manuscript now, I might never have another story worth telling.

My advice is this: don’t fall into that same trap I did. You will have another story, even if your first one doesn’t pan out. The process and what you learn along the way is what will make you a sustained writer.

Helen: Great advice. Thank you for sharing that with us. It has been a lot of fun learning about you and your book. Congratulations again on releasing your debut YA fantasy novel.

About the Author

C.T Moshage

Chris Moshage is a Chicago based author of science fiction & fantasy. His debut Young Adult science fiction novel, November’s Dawn, will release April 9th, 2024 and is the first instalment of a planned trilogy. ​

The short story, Chasing the Dawn, explores the origins of the trilogy’s world and is available now to download for free. Chris didn’t start writing seriously until his early 20’s, but when he finally did, he eagerly embraced it and hasn’t turned away since. When he’s not immersed in reading or writing, two vital elements of his life as an author, Chris enjoys playing tennis, exploring the many worlds of video games, and navigating the skies flying drones, even if his aerial footage is mostly appreciated by himself

Follow Chris:

Author Website Discover the origins of the November’s Dawn universe in my short story, Chasing the Dawn, available for free download on my website when you subscribe to my newsletter.


Purchase Chris’s book: November’s Dawn via Amazon – also available on Kindle Unlimited.

Link to book on Amazon UK: eBook | Paperback

Link to book on Amazon US: eBook | Paperback

As an Amazon Associate I may benefit from purchases made using these links.

If you enjoy epic fantasy then the award winning Sentinal series is now complete. If you like fantasy books with a touch of romance then you will love SoulBreather. Prefer Dystopian Science Fiction? Then try Harmony. Start the adventure and stay for the journey.

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