Author Interview – Kimberly Muka Powers

Author of A Mind Restored

I recenty had the opportunity to find out more about fellow 2024 BookFest Award winner, Kimberly Muka Powers, who won a bronze medal for her book A Mind Restored.

Helen: Many congratulations to Kim on her medal and getting her book up in lights in Times Square. Tell us about her award winning book, A Mind Restored.

A: “A Mind Restored: Finding Freedom from the Shame & Stigma of Mental Illness” by Kimberly Muka Powers is a global award-winning creative non-fiction Christian self-help book.

Powers’ book is a must-read for those with mental illness, their loved ones, providers, and those seeking to gain more insight and understanding into the world of someone living with symptoms of mental illness.

This compelling read is Kim’s unique and inspiring story of how she has successfully learned to live with bipolar disorder, type 1, with psychotic features since the year 2000. With her illness primarily in remission since 2010, now as a Licensed professional counselor she equips and empowers others to do the same. 

Kim emphasizes you are not alone in your illness, and you are not defined by it. Her inspirational writing style ties in educational components about mental illness and holistic health, passionately spreading awareness and encouraging individuals to cultivate wellness, pursue their dreams, and find freedom, hope, and healing.

Helen: Kim chose a simple cover, what were her thoughts behind the design?

A: Kim kept her illness hidden, in a dark, lonely place for over two decades. Due to the overwhelming sense of humiliation and shame she carried from receiving a diagnosis at 16 years old, living with severe and profound mental illness and being hospitalized in a psychiatric inpatient facility amidst four different manic, depressive, and psychotic episodes, Kim felt alone and ostracized by what she had to endure.

Kim’s cover highlights the serenity and peace she has found, now two decades later, within herself, with God, and with others. As an adult who has done the hard work of healing and found the tools to functional independence and freedom. Kim’s cover portrays that reconciliation and acceptance she now embodies.

Helen: It is a calming scene and I believe evokes the feeling Kim intended. How did she come up with the book title?

A: Through receiving mental health therapy throughout her adult life, specifically EMDR therapy (See to treat the wounds of trauma, Kim has finally found freedom from the shame and stigma of mental illness, and her mind is now restored. By the grace of God, her illness has been in remission since 2010. With the freedom she has found from the heavy weight of shame, she now more confidently can help others find their freedom too.

Helen: I know Kim writes from personal experience, but why did she decide to share her story and write this particular book?

A: Kim found the transition in keeping her story hidden and trying to hide the truth of what she went through, to now publicly speaking about her illness, to be the most challenging part of writing her memoir. The act of bravery and steps of courage she had to embrace and the challenge she needed to overcome and grow. Now fully healed, she can better help others.

In college, Kim learned that vulnerability breeds vulnerability. This step of vulnerability seems counter intuitive that it would help free her from the shame she carried. However, with the action of bringing her shameful past into the light, the heavy chains and shackles were unlocked, removed, and destroyed. With supernatural help, intensive therapy and healing, medical and therapeutic intervention, support and love from others, medication, and many answered prayers, she found the key, she opened the lock-she was set free.

Helen: I’m glad Kim found her voice and shared her experiences to help others. Why should people read Kim’s book?

A: Reading “A Mind Restored” provides hope and insight to the reader. Do you or someone you know live with mental health challenges? Maybe it is not bipolar disorder, maybe it is depression. Maybe anxiety, maybe schizo-affective disorder, or ADHD. Have you learned to effectively manage the symptoms of your illness? Have you found freedom from the stigma associated with these symptoms? Have you found effective coping skills and strategies to be empowered and pursue the abundant life God has called you to?

If not, or if you want more help, this book is for you. Do you need encouragement that you are not alone in your battle? Do you struggle with being defined by your illness, but want to know your true identity apart from your symptoms? Do you need encouragement to find safe circles of belonging? Do you need better insight into how to identify your triggers and warning signs of when your health is at risk? You too can rise above, conquer your problems with courage and health, maintain your health, and pursue your God-given calling in education, career, relationship, and ministry goals. Kim’s story is one of encouragement, resilience, success, and victory. Find hope today.

Helen: Thank you for sharing a little about Kim’s journey. What advice would Kim give to aspiring authors?

A: If you are on the writing journey, whether as a beginner, working on your work in progress for a while now, or a seasoned writer, in order to be successful completing your next writing project, Kim recommends dedicating a recurring date on your calendar, time of day, and ideal place and setting which is conducive to concentrating on your next piece of art.

Kim has found this approach extremely helpful as she developed and perfected each of the ten drafts she wrote- in two years- to create her finished published multi-award-winning book. In addition, she found it extremely supportive to choose a willing writing partner to work with, which happened to be her father, who is also on his writing journey. With the presence of another committed individual in the writing process, Kim found the ongoing accountability, and mental and emotional safety, to write, process, explore, and express her thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a cohesive and a profound finished product.

About the Author

Kimberley Muka Powers

Kim Powers is a fully licensed professional counselor, author, and entrepreneur- owning and operating her private practice in the state of Michigan, where she resides with her husband. Kim is honored to be featured in Voyage Magazine in their Hidden Gem Series: (“Hidden Gems: local businesses and creatives you should know.”) Kim was thrilled to be a guest on Fox News Morning Mix, Kalamazoo’s local National Public Radio- NPR, and featured as a Global Book Fest award winner on the NASDAQ board in New York City Times Square. Kim’s book “A Mind Restored: Finding Freedom from the Shame & Stigma of Mental Illness” won first place in the Oasis Awards in Grand Rapids, Michigan. While studying psychology and mental health therapy,

Kim speaks not only as a trained professional in the mental health field, but also one who has successfully navigated the trials of living with bipolar disorder type one with psychotic features. While her illness has been primarily in remission since 2010, she now educates and provides support to those seeking freedom and functional independence. Counseling is not only Kim’s career, it is her passion and her calling.

Follow Kim:


Website or

Twitter: @KMukaPowers

Purchase Kim’s book: A Mind Restored

Link to book on Amazon UK: eBook | Paperback

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